Release 2.12 – Changelog

Sr. No.Change / IssueDescription
1Disable BranchWith this option, You can Enable or disable a branch.
Once you disable any branch then the branch will not be visible for any action.
2Edit ExaminationOnce the exam gets scheduled , You can edit basic details of exam.
Once the marks are updated then you can’t edit the exam
3Edit Attendance / Edit Result in exam ModuleThe attendance is marked , still you can make changes in attendance of any student.
You can mark any student from present to absent or absent to present. 
If the marks are added for every present student and then you want to change attendance of any student from present to absent, then system doesn’t allow you to do so.
If marks are added for every present student and then you want to change attendance of any student from absent to present, then student will be available in marks list with 0 marks.
You will have to edit those marks.
4Associate Branch wise courses in Fee StructureWhile Associating branch wise courses to ant fee structure, there was some issue in saving the details. The details were not getting saved
5Change in name of buttonChange the name of button inside Fee details of every admission, “Print Invoice” to “Print Fee Details”
6Change in name of buttonChange the name of button inside Fee details of every admission, “Add Discount” to “Change Fees”
7Test Attendance and Test result access to counsellorWe have given access of Examination module to counsellor, But the access is for only Mark attendance and Exam result. No access of add, edit and delete exam has to be given to counsellor
8Access to Academic Co-ordinatorGiven Batch and examination module access to Academic Co-ordinator. Academic co-ordinator will be able to add Schedule and Add examination
9Remove Edit Attendance access from academic co-ordinatorRemoved option of edit attendance from Academic co-ordinator role
10Entrance exam Reg hall ticket cancellationAdmin will be able to Cancel any registration of entrance exam.
11Account Reconciliation access to Branch adminThe access of Pending cheques and Bounced cheque given to Branch admin. The access is branch wise. We are showing cheque of disabled branch also.
12Batch Student ListInside batches, there is batch student tab available.The list should have Sr. No column and also list should come in alphabetical order
13Select All / None option in selection of batches in Add examSelect All / None option in selection of batches in Add exam
14Mark attendanceMiddle name should get displayed While mark Attendance
156 Digits for Cheque noOnly 6 Digits should be acceptable for Cheque no throughout the application
16Cancel Schedule RemarkRemark should get added for Cancel Schedule
17Admission Search boxYou can search a admission by clicking on “Enter” key
18BatchesIn Batches List, Show dropdown of Year .As per the year the batch list should get displayed. Either start date or end date matches selcted year of dropdown then that batchwill be visible in list.
By default, current year will be selected.
19SMS Template of examSMS Template should include total marks of that Exam.
20Validation on scheduleValidation on add Schedule – The schedule should not get addded for Same Faculty, same date , same time and same batch.
This means , If you select faculty , date and time which is similar to previously added schedule then system should not allow to save that schedule again in the same batch.
(This validation is only on “Add Single Schedule” and “Reschedule Lecture”)
21Topic addition to academic coordinatorTopic Addition Access to be given to Academic Cordinator
22Add AdmissionOn add admission and convert to admission option, Add category box.
As per the category , courses should be visible
23Batch List of admissionInside batches, there is batch student tab available.The list should have Subject dropdown and also the list should come as per the subject selected.
By default, list will come of all subjects.
24Entrance exam regWhen the enquiry gets registered for any entrance exam, the Inactive Exam should not get displayed.
Inactive exam means , the exam which are done . System decides that on Exam date field. If exam is done on the date less than today’s date then the exam becomes Inactive.